
Trump Jumps Into MI State Politics…Endorses Pro-Forensic Audit Conservative Matt Maddock As Michigan’s Next House Speaker

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The Left despises him.
The media fears him, so they manufacturer fake stories about him and his wife.
Moderates in his own party, who have no idea what true conservatism looks like, would like to see him canceled.
But Matt “Mad Dog” Maddock, undeterred, keeps fighting.

Rep. Maddock addresses the crowd at an anti-COVID vaccine mandate protest.

Together, with his beautiful, strong, conservative wife, Meshawn Maddock, co-chair of the MI GOP, they’re an unstoppable force.

100 Percent Fed Up – Guided by his conservative principles, Rep. Matt Maddock is one of only a handful of MI Republican lawmakers who called for a forensic audit of Michigan’s November 2020 election. A forensic audit of the election is a top priority for the majority of Republicans in the state,