
Youtube is Up to Its Tricks Again – Announces it Will Hide Public ‘Dislike’ Counts in All Videos After Joe and Kamala Are Continually Ratioed

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What a surprise! The far-left tech giants jumped in to save the Biden regime. YouTube announced on Wednesday that they will make the “dislike count” hidden from the public.

The dislike button will stay but it will hide the dislike counts. This only confirms how the tech giants will do anything they can to assist their ideological allies while they censor and delete conservative content and voices.

Here’s a copy of the email that Youtube sent to its API developer:

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on this for months that far-left Youtube appears to be deleting or suppressing the number of dislikes in Biden videos.

It Appears YouTube Is Removing ‘Dislikes’ on Videos Because Biden Is Terribly Disliked

YouTube is deleting up to 650% of all downvotes on Joe Biden’s videos based on our previous report in June.