
“No More Private Bank Deposits” – Biden’s Radical Currency Nominee Wants All Bank Accounts To Be Controlled By The Fed

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Biden’s radical nominees continue to show their true colors.

Biden’s Marxist currency nominee Saule Omarova said that all private bank accounts should be taken over and controlled by the Federal Reserve.

Saule Omaraova is the most radical and extreme nominee ever pushed forward by a US president.

Proposal by Biden’s Treasury nominee Saule Omarova:

“There will be no more private bank deposit accounts and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the fed” pic.twitter.com/ojQviX74Bz

— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) November 12, 2021

Townhall reported:

In September President Joe Biden nominated Saule Omarova to become comptroller of the currency at the Department of Treasury.