
Poland Braces for Attack by Migrants Who Have Been “Weaponized” By Belarus and Are Heading Toward Border

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The Polish Border Force is bracing for a “major assault” at the Belarusian border by a large group of armed migrants sometime tonight.

Over the past few nights, tensions have been quickly rising as the Belarusians continue to use migrants to antagonize the Polish soldiers. In several videos that have been posted online, migrants can be seen attempting to blind Polish troops with laser pointers that were given to them by Belarusian forces.

Migrants have even been given tear gas to use against Polish border agents.


Nieopodal ok.100-os.grupa migrantów oczekiwała na możliwość nielegalnego przekroczenia granicy. Białorusini wyposażyli cudzoziemców w gaz łzawiący, który został użyty w kierunku polskich służb. Tej oraz kolejnym próbom nielegalnego przekroczenia gr.