
Latest UK Study Reveals 99.995% of Children And Young People SURVIVE Covid-19; Only Two-in-A-Million Chance to Be Fatal

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As the Gateway Pundit has extensively reported for the past year, a recent large-scale study out of the UK has confirmed once again that children and young people have effectively ZERO risk of death after contracting Covid-19.

The massive study determined that an overwhelming 99.995% of children and young people in England with a positive covid test over the first year of the pandemic SURVIVED the virus, which translates to a microscopic 2/1,000,000 mortality rate (99.9998% recovery) for people under 25 when adjusted for population.

Astonishingly, out of the over 12 million children and young people who live in England, just 25 passed away due to complications directly related to the China Virus that has locked down the entire world.