
Papers Please: Police Begin Checking Vaccine Passports to Enforce Austria’s Dystopian Lockdown For The Unvaccinated – (Video)

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On Sunday, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced that the Austrian government was implementing a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated individuals that would restrict anyone who has not taken the jab from leaving their homes for almost any reason.

Austrian Chancellor Orders Nationwide Lockdown for Unvaccinated People

Over 2 million Austrians were affected by the mandate, which kicked in at midnight last night. If any of them are caught outside their homes – for pretty much anything other than going to work or grocery shopping – they will face heavy fines of up to 3,600 Euros for each violation, which is equivalent to about $4,100.

Austria is the first country in the world that imposed a lockdown solely upon individuals who have not taken the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.