
UPDATE: Jury in Rittenhouse Case Behind Closed Doors – No Verdict Tonight – Judge Plans to Dismiss Jury For the Evening

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The jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case are still in deliberations.  There is no word on when they will reach a verdict. 

The jurors in the Rittenhouse case are behind closed doors.  As the late hours of Tuesday come to an end, there is no word on when a verdict may come.

Update: The judge in the Rittenhouse case just said he plans to “dismiss the jury for the evening.”

JUST IN: The judge in the Rittenhouse case just said he plans to “dismiss the jury for the evening.”

— Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) November 16, 2021

With the world watching, the jury in the Rittenhouse case is behind closed doors deliberating the charges in the case.