
FBI Raids Home of County Clerk and Whistleblower Tina Peters — The State Official Who Refused to Wipe Election Data from Computers Without Making a Copy

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Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters knew that the Colorado Secretary of State was most likely committing a crime when she ordered voting machines cleaned of 2020 Election results earlier this year.  So Tina Peters made a backup of Mesa County’s 2020 voting machines. 

She was then targeted by the state for her actions.  

Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters shared her story at the event Mike Lindell put on a few months ago in South Dakota.

Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters Tells Shocking Story on How Her Office Was Raided As She Was En Route to Symposium

Tina Peters had her office raided after she made the decision to not allow Democrat partisans to wipe clean the election data from her county’s machines.