
Rep. Lauren Boebert Goes Scorched Earth On Dems: “The Jihad Squad member from MN” and Rep. Eric Swalwell For “Sleeping with (Chinese Spy Fang-Fang) the enemy!” [VIDEO]

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100 Percent Fed Up – The Democrats are failing at every single thing they’ve tried since Joe Biden was installed as “president” in January. The proof that the Democrat Party was imploding was revealed in the recent Virginia and New Jersey elections.

Every day, Americans are held in filthy prisons without trial dates and limited communication with the outside over their roles (many non-violent) in the January 6 incident.

The recent unjust arrest, search, and seizure of journalist James O’Keefe is a perfect example of how Democrats have literally turned America into a police state almost overnight.

The Democrat’s purge of Trump supporters isn’t going to end with the shooting death of unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit;