
“McConnell Is a Fool and He Damn Well Better Stop Their “Dream of Communism Bill”” – President Trump Goes Off On Corrupt Deep State Senator McConnell and Communist Democrats

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President Trump simply destroys old fool and corrupt Deep State crook Mitch McConnell.  

President Trump shared a statement on “Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell” today who is giving the communist Democrats their all they ever asked for:

When the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, agreed to a two-month extension, he allowed the Democrats to get their act together and pass the $1.2 Trillion “Non-Infrastructure” Green New Deal Bill, which is a disaster for America in that only 11% of the money will be spent on REAL Infrastructure, with most being spent on Green New Deal nonsense, with big tax increases. Its actual cost is over $2 Trillion, but the bigger disaster is yet to come in the next, much larger version of the Green New Deal,