
Austrian Police and Army Stand Up to Government’s “Health Dictatorship” Mandates – Will Join Massive Anti-Government Freedom Protest Scheduled for Saturday

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In October Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg threatened to impose new lockdown restrictions on unvaccinated people.

“The pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror,” Schallenberg said. “We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Last weekend Schallenberg announced he is placing millions of unvaccinated people on lockdown.

According to Reuters, only 65% of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against Covid.

But Schallenberg is already losing control of his country. Police, trade unions, and the military are standing up against his “health dictatorship” mandates. Police officers are refusing to enforce the health passes. And Austrian Police and Army officials announced they will join the massive anti-government freedom protest scheduled for tomorrow.