
“Jump Kick” Man Identified – The Man Who Attacked and Kicked Young Kyle Rittenhouse in the Head Is Career Criminal with Open Domestic Violence Charge

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The man who attacked young Kyle Rittenhouse and kicked him in the head has been identified.  He is another career criminal with an open record of domestic abuse at the time of the event.

Young Kyle Rittenhouse had no idea what he was stepping into the night of August 25, 2020.  The scene in Kenosha Wisconsin was a cesspool of criminals.  Every person that attacked young Rittenhouse was a criminal with a record.  This was not a safe place and young Kyle completely underestimated the situation.

EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Wasn’t the Only One Carrying a Gun in Kenosha – NUMEROUS BLM RIOTERS HAD GUNS THAT NIGHT TOO (Photos)

Within two days we could see that young Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense against the criminals attacking him.