
Rittenhouse Defense Lawyer Blasts Joe Biden For Defaming His Teen Client with ‘White Supremacist’ Label (VIDEO)

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Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense lawyer Mark Richards spoke to the press after the jury delivered a not guilty verdict on Friday.

Joe Biden and the left-wing media made this trial about race – Rittenhouse, a white teen who fatally shot two white men in self-defense, was smeared as a ‘white supremacist.’

In September 2020, Joe Biden defamed Kyle Rittenhouse and smeared him as a white supremacist.

Attorney Mark Richards blasted Joe Biden on Friday.

“Biden said some things that I think are so incorrect and untrue — he’s not a white supremacist,” Mr. Richards said defending Kyle Rittenhouse.


NOW – Rittenhouse defense attorney Mark Richards: “Biden said some things that I think are so incorrect and untrue.” pic.twitter.com/DLmHeKmHlW

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 19,