
A Short List of Individuals and Entities Kyle Rittenhouse May Consider Suing

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Yesterday Drew Holden put together a list of individuals and entities that Kyle Rittenhouse should consider suing after calling him all sorts of names as the result of acting in self-defense in Kenosha a year ago. 

Here is a list of some of these entities from Drew Holden as noted at Twitchy.

This list should no doubt start with CNN and the NYT:

This wasn’t just limited to CNN. @nytimes put out what amounts to a hit piece on Rittenhouse because his “social media accounts showed strong support for officers.”

They even put out a piece about how right-wingers attacking protestors was some sort of phenomenon. pic.twitter.com/f3yqKRxGUA

— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) November 19,