
GoFundMe Shuts Down Fund-Raiser For TX Deputy in ICU with COVID – Family Loses Court Battle Over Ivermectin — YOU CAN HELP THEM HERE!

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Guest post by Kevin Moncla

On Wednesday, we reported on a Texas deputy and father of 6, Jason Jones, who is hospitalized with Covid and on a ventilator. His wife, Erin, has been fighting the hospital in court for the right to have an outside doctor treat him with Ivermectin. That outside doctor happens to be Dr. Mary Bowden, who we reported Thursday had her admitting privileges revoked from a Houston hospital. Her crime? Spreading “disinformation” about Ivermectin even though she’s treated hundreds of patients successfully with the medication. Strange that the hospital took this action right after Dr. Bowden testified on Mr. Jones’ behalf.

** You can help the family here on GiveSendGo.