
HUGE: Protests Against Vaccine Mandates in Italy Reach Their 18th Week As the Rest of Europe Rises Up and Joins In (VIDEO)

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As Australia goes to sleep, Italian protests against vaccine tyranny begin. 

The New York Times reports:

Demonstrators prepared to gather in Milan and Rome on Saturday evening to protest Italy’s coronavirus health pass on the 18th consecutive weekend of such rallies. Organizers considered a strong showing necessaryto prove that they were a force to be reckoned with.

Videos are now being shared from protests events in Italy:

Protestors in Milan, Italy.

Milan, Italy, more protests. #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccineMandates #FreedomOfChoise #WakeUpEverybody #WakeUpWorld https://t.co/uQAilYgZRi

— Elisabeth Landberger (@ELandberger) November 20, 2021
