
WATCH: Deranged SJW Threatens Rittenhouse, Says He ‘Should Have Never Made It To Trial'(VIDEO)

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Tanya James, a white female from Little Rock, Arkansas, screamed obscenities and threats directed towards Kyle Rittenhouse outside the Wisconsin courthouse yesterday evening.

The social justice warrior suggested Rittenhouse should have been killed before he made it to trial, saying, “Kyle should have never made it to trial! Bring that b****h to my neck of the mother f***ing words and see what happens…”

Tanya James, of Arkansas, crossed state lines to get to the #Kenosha courthouse where she suggests over a bullhorn that Kyle #Rittenhouse should have been killed.

“Kyle should have never made it to trial! Bring that bitch to my neck of the mother f—ing…” pic.twitter.com/SdVr1r0FUC

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 19,