
“I’m Hoping Some Day There Will Be Accountability” – Kyle Rittenhouse Responds to Joe Biden and Mainstream Media’s Attacks and Smears – Is Weighing Legal Options (VIDEO)

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Kyle Rittenhouse joined Tucker Carlson for his first interview since his acquittal of murder charges on Friday.

The two discussed numerous subjects and Kyle was finally able to give his side of the story. During the interview Joe Biden’s name came up after Biden smeared him as a racist during the presidential campaign last year.

In 2020 Joe Biden released a campaign ad and hitpiece on President Trump where he called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

The dishonest attack ad is still posted on Joe Biden’s Twitter page — without any warning label from Twitter.

There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.