
San Francisco Officials Spring Into Action… Decide Not to Use the ‘Racist’ Word “Looting” to Describe Latest Slew of Lootings

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It’s not just Nordstrom’s, jewelry stores, and Lululemon, organized youth mobs are looting all kinds of businesses in the San Francisco-Oakland area.

An organized mob of youths stormed a Wellspring pharmacy and looted all of the medications this past weekend.

And youths hit a clothing store called Prime in downtown Oakland this week – for the second time this month.

The problem is now so bad that Bay Area officials are springing into action.
The local officials have decided not to call the organized robberies “looting” because that might be racist.

Get out while you still can.

ABC7 News reported via Revolver News:

Bay Area police departments have called what happened at various retail stores this weekend “looting.”

We saw similar crimes happen in the wake of the George Floyd protests,