
What Global Warming? Nancy Pelosi Purchases $25 Million Mansion in Florida

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Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to live in the state she destroyed, so she purchased a $25 million mansion on the beach in Florida.

Per Citizen Free Press, Corrupt Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi decided to buy a mansion in Florida.  She obviously sees the destruction from her policies in California and doesn’t want to live there.

Bruh… pic.twitter.com/Qp2CmfQAzI

— Nancy Pelosi Portfolio Tracker (@NancyTracker) November 23, 2021

Liberty First org. asked why Pelosi wants to buy a mansion on Jupiter Island:

Is Nancy Pelosi tired of California and its high cost of living? Is Nancy happier being in a state run by Republican Ron DeSantis than her home state of California run by Democrat Gavin Newsom?