
Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill to Award Congressional Gold Medal to Kyle Rittenhouse

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced H.R. 6070 on Tuesday to award a Congressional Gold Medial to Kyle Rittenhouse for protecting the community of Kenosha, Wisconsin during the violent and destructive Black Lives Matter riots on August 25, 2020.

Rittenhouse was acquitted last week in the shooting deaths of two BLM terrorists and injuring another after they attacked him during their organized mayhem.

Two men I greatly admire along with a mother who has had to endure more than she ever thought she could.

Kyle thanks Pres Trump for two most important things the left is trying to destroy.

We must always uphold our Constitution, defend our 2A, & stop our enemies who hate them. https://t.co/DTNnyFqaii

— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 24,