
“Ignore the Lunatic Fringe that Exists in Every Society” – Tyrannical St. Louis Health Director on the People Who Oppose Regime’s COVID Policies

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St. Louis lunatic Health Director, Faisal Khan, connected at the hip to corrupt St. Louis County Commissioner Sam Page, is caught again showing his hate for the people he is hired to help.

This past summer St. Louis Health Director, Dr. Faisal Khan, claimed his constituents called him racial slurs but video proved he lied.  He made it all up.

BUSTED! StL County Health Director Dr. Faisal Khan Caught in HATE HOAX! Accused Anti-Maskers of Shouting Racial Slurs and Shoving Him — VIDEO PROVES HE LIED!

Dr. Faisal is close to the much-hated tyrannical St. Louis County Commissioner, Sam Page, who initiated insane COVID lockdowns despite them being voted down by his County Council.