
“Biden Has a Credibility Problem” – The Biden Gang Is Failing and They Lie About It and Don’t Seem to Care

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Biden’s economic policies are insane for America but help China and the rest of the world.

FOX News reports:

The month began with Democratic setbacks in the off year elections, and concludes with renewed concern about inflation and higher costs of well, everything, from gasoline (62% higher) to home heating (54% higher) to Thanksgiving meals (14% higher).

Brian Brenberg from King’s College shared on FOX:

… [Biden] has handed power to OPEC and Russia.  He claims to be someone who wants to fight climate change.  Wants to fight fossil fuels.  He’s given all of the power to countries that are dependent upon those fuels…

…But the problem is [FED Chief Jerome] Powell has actually proven to be a great ally for the easy money policies for the Biden Administration.