
Gov. Sununu Will Ultimately be to Blame if a Child Is Injured or Dies from His COVID Vaccine Program

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Guest post by Ken Eyring

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu

Children’s immune systems naturally fight Covid-19 – and they are at ZERO risk to die from the virus. After 19 months, there is not a single confirmed case of a child transmitting and infecting an adult with COVID-19, nor a single recorded hospitalization and/or death of a child from COVID-19 alone.

Sadly that may change due to Governor Sununu’s Covid-19 program to inject an experimental gene therapy “vaccine” into NH’s 125,000 children aged 5-11. Sununu’s program dismisses reports from Germany (here) and Taiwan (here) that reveal death and serious safety concerns regarding their Covid-19 “vaccination” programs for older children aged 12-17.