
WHO Skips Next Greek Letter After “Nu” in Naming New COVID Variant – The Next Letter “Xi” Might Draw Attention to China – So They Named it “Omicron” Instead

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The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to make protecting the Communist Chinese their primary mission.

The WHO decided to skip the next letter of the Greek Alphabet in naming the latest COVID-19 Variant.

“Xi” may be embarrassing to China.
So they skipped Xi and named it Omicron.

Via Jonathan Turley.

He who must not be named. It appears the W.H.O. has skipped the next Greek letter after Nu to name the new variant. The next letter is Xi. The concern is that W.H.O. is again avoiding any discomfort for the Chinese government. So they named it Omicron…

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) November 26, 2021

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