
China’s Evergrande Shares Fall After Chairman Sells a Significant Stake – Now Another Developer in China, Fantasia, Files for Liquidation

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China’s Evergrande, the world’s largest debtor, continues its fall from profitability while another company in the same sector, Fantasia Holdings, announced it is liquidating as well.  

We’ve reported on Evergrande for a few months now.  The one time world’s largest debtor was failing back in September.

China Closes Its Eyes and Hopes the Evergrande Crisis Will Disappear – It Won’t – Company’s Worth Now Only 10% of Its Value from Two Years Ago

This was a sign of a bigger problem for China involved in their real estate sector.

“Overall We Can Contain the Evergrande Risk” Says China’s Central Bank But What About Other Companies, Banks and Government Risks?

Today in Hong Kong,