
Schiff Says January 6 Committee will Make Decision This Week Whether to Refer Mark Meadows For Criminal Contempt Charges (VIDEO)

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Serial liar Adam Schiff joined CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday and told Dana Bash the January 6 Committee will “probably make a decision this week” regarding referring former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for criminal contempt charges after he asserted executive privilege in response to a subpoena.

Earlier this month it was reported Reps Liz Cheney (RINO-WY) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS) were seeking criminal charges on Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after he failed to appear before their sham January 6 Committee.

The Marxists on the January 6 Committee issued Meadows a subpoena because he was with Trump on January 6.

Meadows, like Bannon, defied the subpoena and was instructed by Trump to “respect long-standing principles of executive privilege.”

Schiff said the committee will make the decision this week whether to refer Meadows for criminal contempt.