
CNBC Host Jim Cramer Goes on Insane Rant, Demands Joe Biden Impose Universal Vaccine Mandate Enforced by the Military (VIDEO)

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CNBC host and self-described germaphobe Jim Cramer on Monday evening went on an insane rant and called on Joe Biden to impose a universal vaccine mandate enforced by the military.

Cramer is so paranoid about germs that he wouldn’t even bring FedEx boxes into his home unless they sat outside for 48 hours to “degerm” during the height of Covid.

Now Cramer is projecting his neurosis onto the American people.

Cramer said it’s “psychotic” to allow people to “lawfully walk around unvaccinated.”

His solution?

Impose a universal vaccine mandate and use the military to enforce the order.

“It’s time to admit we have to go to war against Covid. Require vaccination universally.