
Eric Swalwell Loses His ‘Covid Patience’, Accuses Unvaccinated of Threatening His Young Children in Twitter Tirade

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Alleged Chinese spy Fang Fang’s former boy-toy Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) went off on a Twitter tirade late Monday night, saying he has lost his “Covid patience” with unvaccinated people, accusing them of threatening his young children and demanding they stay home and be barred from traveling on planes.

Swalwell posted in three parts:

I’m losing my Covid patience. I’ve tried to reason with the unvaxxed. I’ve directed some to medical pros. I don’t judge but hear them out and steer them to facts. The unvaxxed love to say it’s about choice. But you know who doesn’t have a choice? My 3 kids under 5. (1/3)

Blah blah blah you have a right to not get vaxxed.