
Get Woke, Go Broke: Salvation Army Quietly Removes Guide Telling White Donors To “Sincerely Apologize” For Their Racism After Intense Backlash

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The Salvation Army is asking for more than donations this year.
According to recent reports the Christian charitable organization is asking all white donors to reflect on their racism this year.

Salvation Army Wants White Donors to Offer “Sincere Apology” for Their Racism

On Thanksgiving the Salvation army released a statement refuting the claims of their racial demands.

And now it appears the  Salvation Army has removed its absurd “Let’s Talk About Racism” guide following intense backlash over a text last week that told white donors to “sincerely apologize” for their racism while asserting that Christianity is institutionally racist.

The link to the page is now broken and you get this when you click on it.