
Maricopa County To Interview Seven Applicants To Replace Steve Chucri After His Resignation Following Exposed Tapes on Suspected Election Fraud

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The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will meet on Friday to conduct interviews of seven applicants for a position on the Board of Supervisors.

Former Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri resigned in disgrace after The Gateway Pundit broke stories revealing that he lacked trust in the 2020 election, Dominion voting machines, and he was pro-full forensic audit, despite his public statements on the matter.

The Maricopa County Supervisors used taxpayer dollars to fight the Senate and cover up the crime of the century, refusing to conduct a joint investigation with the Senate.

The County conducted their own audit of their own department, using the same companies that certified the machines before the election, and they recounted a tiny fraction of the ballots.