
Leading Cardiologist Says Researchers Are Refusing to Publish Supporting Study Results That Show Covid Vaccine’s Link To Massive Increase In Heart Attacks

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Throughout the existence of the scientific process, replicating results has always been a necessary component in order to gain a scientific consensus and gauge the accuracy of the results of whatever test or calculations were conducted, but when the supposedly trustworthy experts find something in the results that doesn’t fit the approved narrative – leading them to bury the information – the credibility of the scientific establishment goes completely out the window.

Well, according to one world-renowned cardiologist out of the UK, that is exactly what is happening right now.

A recently released study that was presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions Meeting claims the risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) – a potentially life-threatening condition that leads to an increased risk of heart issues – increases significantly in patients who receive the experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.