
Biden’s DOJ Releases Memo that Totally Blows Away the ‘Trump Incited an Insurrection’ Narrative

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President Trump didn’t incite riots on January 6th at the Capitol and Biden’s DOJ knows it.

Julie Kelly has done a masterful job of reporting on the January 6th protests at the Capitol and the arrests of American political prisoners since that day.

The Gateway Pundit put together a site that lists the many Americans arrested for their actions on that day.  Here is our site that shares details about the American prisoners being held in captivity since that day.

The Gateway Pundit Announces: AMERICAN GULAG – The Informational Website on the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners

Many of these individuals did nothing wrong.  Some didn’t even go into the Capitol.  We’re unaware of any information on a conspiracy contrived before that day to stop the proceedings of Congress.