
Fauci Admits He Has No Idea What to Do About Thousands of Migrants Entering US With COVID

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Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted during an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that he has no clue what to do about the thousands of migrants who have entered the US with COVID.

Cavuto confronted Fauci about how 18 percent of the migrant families coming in are testing positive for the virus.

“We have about 18 percent of the migrant families here, 20 percent of the unaccompanied minors, testing positive for covid,” Cavuto noted. “If you use the figure [of] 20,000, and that’s a loose figure … who have been apprehended, that could be up to 4,000 individuals who have covid. What do we do about that?”

Fauci asserted that he doesn’t have an “easy answer” and danced around the question.