
High-Powered Attorney Representing Chris Cuomo’s Accuser Releases Statement on Sexual Assault Allegations Against Fired CNN Anchor

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Attorney Debra Katz

CNN announced late Saturday afternoon the cable network has fired host Chris Cuomo, “effective immediately” following an investigation into Cuomo using his journalism contacts to help defend his brother former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) when he was facing numerous allegations of sexual assault by female staffers.

Later on Saturday Julia Marsh from the New York Post tweeted out that CNN is looking into sexual harassment allegations against the younger Cuomo brother.

On Sunday, Debra Katz, the attorney representing Chris Cuomo’s (anonymous) accuser, released a statement on the fired CNN anchor.

Recall, Debra Katz represented Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford in 2018.

Now Katz is going after Chris Cuomo with a vengeance.