
FOX News Christmas Tree Arsonist Craig Tamanaha May be Back by Late Thursday – Homeless Man Torched the Tree with a Lighter

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New York police arrested arsonist Craig Tamanaha after setting the FOX News Christmas Tree on fire early Wednesday morning.

According to WABC-TV in New York and Newsweek, Tamanaha has reportedly been arrested three previous times. WABC-TV reported that two of his previous arrests were for charges of drug possession and one was for a charge of public intoxication.

Fox News Christmas Tree Lit on Fire, Suspect in Custody (VIDEOS)

Tamanaha carried papers with him as he climbed the tree and lit it on fire. He then climbed down and watched it burn from the street.

Tamanaha is charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, arson, criminal nuisance, endangering others,