
“Today We Have the Strongest Economy I’ve Ever Seen” – CNBC’s Jim Cramer Less Than One Week After Team Biden Asks Media For “Favorable” Coverage (VIDEO)

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It’s “the roaring 20s” according to Jim Cramer.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer said we have the strongest economy he’s ever seen citing this week’s jobless claims.

“Weekly jobless claims totaled 184,000 for the week ended Dec. 4, the lowest going back to Sept. 6, 1969.” CNBC reported on Thursday.

“Today we have the strongest economy, perhaps, I’ve ever seen,” Cramer said just a few days after the Biden Regime begged news outlets to give “favorable” coverage to Biden.


CNBC’s Jim Cramer: “Today we have the strongest economy, perhaps, I’ve ever seen.”

This comes less than a week after Biden’s team sent out a memo to the media to hype up the economy pic.twitter.com/mehuFKHl7W

— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) December 9,