
VIDEO: Elon Musk completely DESTROYS the Democrats’ Irresponsible Infrastructure Bill in One Short Interview

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As reported earlier — Entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk urged the US Congress should throw out Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Bill’ in a recent interview.  

This was an incredible interview.

Elon Musk: Honestly, It might be better if the bill doesn’t pass. Honestly, I would just can this whole bill. Don’t pass it. That’s my recommendation.

Reporter: What about the support for the charging network? There are parts of the bill…

Elon Musk: Unnecessary. No. Do we need support for gas stations? No. No we don’t. So there’s no need for support for a charging network. I’d just delete it. Delete. I’m literally saying get rid of all subsidies. If we don’t cut government spending something really bad is going to happen.