
“Don’t Come, We Can’t Guarantee Your Safety” – Los Angeles PD Union Chief Gives Ominous Warning to Americans Thinking of Visiting The Crime Ravaged City (VIDEO)

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California is experiencing a violent crime spike just like several other Democrat-run states across the US.

The issue is particularly awful in Los Angeles, where Soros-Backed DA George Gascon has implemented woke felon-first policies that have emboldened criminals like never before – and things don’t look to be getting better any time soon. 

Fresh on the heels of several high-profile crimes in recent weeks, including the home invasion murder of a notable Hollywood philanthropist and organized gangs of criminal looters brazenly smashing their way into Los Angeles’ most expensive stores, Gascon continues to deny the problem even exists. Just yesterday at a press conference, he shamelessly downplayed the situation and called claims of a crime spike an “inaccurate perception.”

But in reality,