
Tucker Blasts “Mad Money” Host Jim Cramer For Sudden “Strong Economy” Propaganda

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CNBC’s Jim Kramer bizarrely touted the current state of the US economy as “the strongest economy” he has ever seen.

This claim was made despite high inflation and high gas prices.

It just happened to come after the Biden Administration met with news outlets about their economic coverage.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer: “Today we have the strongest economy, perhaps, I’ve ever seen.”

This comes less than a week after Biden’s team sent out a memo to the media to hype up the economy pic.twitter.com/mehuFKHl7W

— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) December 9, 2021

Tucker Carlson responded to this on his Fox News show.

Tucker played a clip of Jim Kramer from 2008 telling Americans not to take money out of Bear Sterns.