
Pelosi May Run For Speaker Again Despite Deal to Limit Her Speakership to Max of 4 Years

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Remember when Pelosi agreed to a deal limiting her Speakership to a maximum of four years?

In 2018, Pelosi agreed to a deal with 7 Democrats who opposed her Speaker bid in order to garner their votes.

Pelosi was so desperate for votes from a caucus with such a slim majority that she promised she would never seek a leadership position again.

“For some time, there have been a number of conversations to advance a proposal to institute term limits for senior leadership positions in our Caucus. This proposal, which was developed by Members who care about the institution of the House of Representatives, would provide that Members in senior leadership positions can serve 3 terms with an additional term with two-thirds support of the Caucus,” Pelosi said in a statement in 2018.