
Fauci Says His Handling of Covid is Backfiring with More Deaths in 2021 than 2020 Due to 60 Million People Who Refuse to be Vaccinated (VIDEO)

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Dr. Fauci on Tuesday said his handling of Covid is backfiring with more deaths in 2021 than 2020 due to the 60 million people who refused to get vaccinated.

269,515 Americans “died of Covid” in the first 9 months of the pandemic in 2020 when no one was fully vaccinated.

255,369 Americans “died of Covid” in the last 9 months of the pandemic with the majority of eligible adults being fully vaccinated.

2021 is on track to be deadlier *WITH VACCINES*

Instead of admitting lockdowns, masks and vaccines do nothing to stop the spread of Covid, Fauci blamed the “Delta” variant and the unvaccinated.

“We’re dealing with Delta. We didn’t have Delta a year ago,” Fauci said.