
NY Times Casually Admits New FDA-Approved Merck COVID Drug Might Actually Mutate Healthy Human DNA by Accident and Impact Male Fertility

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In normal times, in a normal world, this news might make headlines.
But in 2020 during the Big Pharma bonanza pandemic, it’s stuffed at the bottom of the New York Times article.

The new Merck drug molnupiravir was approved two weeks ago by the Food and Drug Administration. The “expert” committee narrowly voted to recommend authorizing the drug.

But hidden towards the bottom of the article you learn molnupiravir might actually mutate healthy DNC by accident.

How serious a problem is that?

A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina studied the use of molnupiravir in isolated hamster cells over 32 days and found that the drug did induce mutations in DNA.