
Phillip Patrick: US Dollar Lost 40 Cents in Value Since 2000 and 10 Cents of That Loss Happened This Year Under Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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Precious Metals Specialist Phillip Patrick joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Tuesday that the producer price inflation jumped 9.6% year over year in November.

The Pelosi-Biden gang is working overtime to destroy the US dollar and punish working-class Americans.

The War Room discussion revolved around the historic inflation number released this morning. According to Phillip Patrick, the US dollar has lost 40 percent of its value since 2000.
This is a shocking number.

Phillip Patrick: look at the results. A dollar in January 200 is worth about 60¢ today. Which means in the past 21 years inflation has eroded 40% of the buying power of our dollar… It’s absurd.