
(VIDEO) Anti-Vax Protests in France Escalate Into Street War As Riot Police Beat Demonstrators

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Civil unrest in France is escalating into a street war between law enforcement officers and civilians as citizens of the European Union protest the government’s sweeping COVID mandates.

Footage of a protest in France over the weekend showed riot police in a violent stand-off against protesters.

Protesters are seen surging through clouds of tear gas and flash grenade explosions towards the police.

At one point, police are seen huddling together, using their shield to fend off the rioters, but the crowd continued to bulldoze forward, beating law enforcement officials down with sticks and rods.


For a 22nd week in a row, Paris protests vaxx mandates and passports.#Francia #France #Paris #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #NoVaccine_NoPandemic pic.twitter.com/vQUZgiIXkc

— Protest News (@ProtestNews_EN) December 12,