
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China’s PLA (Military) May Have Initiated COVID-19 In an Open-Air Test

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Guest post by Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

Additional evidence indicating the COVID-19 pandemic may have been initiated by a Chinese military open-air test

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) has published a series of articles describing the structure of China’s biowarfare program and how that structure facilitated the laboratory creation of the COVID-19 virus, known scientifically as SARS-CoV-2.

China’s biowarfare program operates at three levels (July 26, 2021 TGP and August 11, 2021 TGP).

There is a core secret military level composed of military research centers and hospitals.

The second level includes all Chinese universities and “civilian” research centers, like the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because in China there is no difference between military and civilian research.