
House Votes 222-208 to Refer Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to Justice Department for Potential Criminal Charges

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The House of Representatives late Tuesday evening voted 222-208 to refer Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to the Justice Department for potential criminal charges.

Representatives passed the contempt measure 222-208 with RINOs Cheney and Kinzinger voting with the Democrats.

“The select committee’s report referring Mr. Meadows for criminal contempt charges is clear and compelling,” Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson said on Tuesday. “As White House chief of staff, Mr. Meadows played a role in or was witness to key events leading up to and including the January 6th assault on the United States Capitol.”

Mark Meadows previously informed the committee he would no longer appear before the sham committee for a deposition because they weren’t respecting boundaries concerning executive privilege.