
“It’s Not Gonna Cost a Single, Solitary Penny” – Biden Lies to Ohioans About Magic Numbers Behind His Build Back Broke Bill (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Tuesday gave an interview to a local news station in Dayton, Ohio.

“What do you say to people in the Dayton area… who have expressed concerns about whether trillions more in federal spending will help when you have inflation at a near 40-year high,” WHIOTV reporter John Bedell asked Biden.

Biden lied to Ohioans and claimed, “It’s not gonna cost a single, solitary penny.”

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) last month estimated Joe Biden’s “zero cost” Build Back Broke bill will add $367 billion to the deficit over the 2022-2031 period.

Joe Biden and his propaganda mouthpiece Jen Psaki have both insisted the massive spending bill will cost zero dollars.