
“We Are In Different Times:” As Crime Continues to Surge, California Residents Resort to Leaving Their Cars Parked With the Trunk Open In Desperate Attempt To Deter Looters From Smashing The Windows – (VIDEO)

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As Democrat officials continue to allow looters to run wild and crime to skyrocket across the state, California residents have resorted to leaving their cars with the trunk open in a desperate attempt to deter criminals from smashing their windows as they look for valuables to steal.

In addition to violent and other serious crimes, vehicle break-ins have been out of control throughout the state – particularly in large cities like San Francisco and Oakland.

Drivers are not even safe while they are on the street as more criminals begin to target cars that are sitting in traffic for quick smash and grabs.

The failure of public officials and law enforcement officers (who have been handcuffed by radical felon-first democrat policies) to enforce the law has led some people to empty out everything of value from their vehicle,