
Congress Expected to Bring Back Biden’s “Build Back Broke” Bill with Trillions for Socialist Causes After the New Year

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The Democrats don’t care about the welfare of Americans.  If they did they would never have conceived the ‘Build Back Better’ bill they are proposing.

The Build Back Better bill will destroy the US (and world) economy almost immediately with massive spending which will be paid for by printing trillions more dollars.  The US dollar already is weak.  With this bill in place, the dollar will be worthless and inflation will skyrocket even more.

Senile old Joe Biden moved past discussing anything beneficial for the average American in the bill and instead lied and claimed it won’t cost Americans a penny.

“It’s Not Gonna Cost a Single, Solitary Penny” – Biden Lies to Ohioans About Magic Numbers Behind His Build Back Broke Bill (VIDEO)

The Wall Street Journal labeled Pelosi’s price tag on the bill the lie of the year.